She was so exhausted that they just… I mean, they didn’t really need five days of that. When asked by the interviewer about the implications of filming in this way, Hedren added that it seemed excessive.
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But it was a full week… Our poor prop man with crows, seagulls and boxes alternately thrown at me for four days. “It could have been done very easily, in about a day, shooting with me. Tippi Hedren is dedicated to defending animals (Photo: Wikipedia) In this way, Tippi He resumed that the scene of the attack was not easy because the recording lasted for a long period of time. Back then we didn’t have computer generated images, so we had to use real images.”he is heard saying. It was during an interview with Larry King Now for the american channel Pray TV where Hedren narrated the difficulties she experienced in order to achieve the scene requested by Hitchcock.
Regarding whether there was mistreatment of animals in the recordings, Tippi He stated his opinion about it openly: “They don’t treat animals badly, they do treat us, that’s the difference. How it took almost five days to record it, every time I woke up I was like, ‘Oh no, I have to deal with this again,'” he said. After dealing with the birds (…) it was shocking to me. “ That was one of the surprises of the shoot and I don’t know why they didn’t tell meI don’t know why they thought I wouldn’t. In an interview that Tippi awarded in 2017 for the program Studio 10, the actress He confessed that he had no knowledge that the iconic moment of the attack would be recorded with real animals. In 1968, the director revealed in the The Dick Carvett Show, that the most intelligent were the ravens while the seagulls were the most vicious. The rest was painted cardboard and brass. The actress has told several times how difficult it was to record the scene of “The birds” (Photo: Bettmann Archive)Īccording to the records we have, birds 3 thousand 200 were used real birds.